Trustees at Inspires MAT
Trustees have three core functions of governance:-
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the Trust and its pupils, and the performance management of its staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the Trust and ensuring best value at all times
Ceri Jones
- CEO of Inspires MAT
Bhavika Gorasia - Chair of Trustees
- Bhavika is a Director in Consulting at PwC, with over 15 years of experience in leading complex and large-scale transformation programmes across various industries.
- She is a mum of two boys who are at primary school and is passionate about education, and in particular the impact technology will have on children’s future careers. She firmly believes that all children should have access to the best education that will prepare them for the future regardless of what they do and brings this into her role as Trustee.
Cllr Ray Gooding
- Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning, Essex County Council
- County Councillor, Stansted
- Gooding Technical Services [Consulting Engineer]
- Chair, Essex Housing LLP
- Trustee, Active Essex Foundation
Matt Ward
- Experience in marketing, PR and journalism
Matthew Fuller
Matthew has worked in education for the best part of 25-years. He started out at the Department for Education as a policy adviser, before entering the classroom. Working across several settings, he held various leadership positions, before spending 10-years as a headteacher, first at a junior school is Essex and then a primary school with nursery, in Suffolk. He now works for Unity Schools Partnership as a director of education, where in addition to overseeing the performance and strategic direction of several primary schools, he also has responsibility for leading the Trust’s approach to nurturing children and young people’s social emotional mental health.
Amanda Dove
- Amanda is a local business owner who, as a virtual assistant, helps other business owners find time in their days to do their jobs!
- Amanda enjoys getting involved in the local community and is also a Trustee of a childrens' speech and language charity.
- Amanda has two primary school age children, so has an interest in the education provisions for children.
- Amanda has over ten years experience of working for local government with a background in HR before setting up her own business.